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active aging

About program


Department of Recreation of

Sport Management


Featured Programs

Featured Programs

l   The realm of leisure sports is the backbone, and the application of management methods is the latitude. Through the integration of theory and practice, the required study courses are arranged according to the students' abilities, emphasizing the exploration of practical areas and strengthening the application of research results.

l   In terms of professional fields, the scope of exploration includes leisure industries, sports management, health and fitness, sports venue operations, sports communication, and leisure and adventure education, aiming to establish characteristics for the development of the leisure sports industry.

l   Integration of theory and practice: students participate in workplace experiences to understand the work environment and gain practical experience. This allows theory and practice to be mutually verified and coordinated, achieving the best results of "learning by doing and doing by learning."

l   The feature of our department is that in the second semester of senior year, students can choose whether to do an internship off-campus or attend classes on campus for elective courses. Internship units are recommended by the department or negotiated by the students themselves.

  1. Building networks: To establish a student social communication platform and build initial workplace relationships, students can meet with professionals with common interests in the workplace to exchange work experience and insights, observe each other, and quickly enhance their professional energy.
  2. Helping students better understand themselves: By experiencing real work situations firsthand, students can understand their own strengths and weaknesses, which is an important process for confirming future career development directions. Stepping out of their comfort zone and facing real challenges also helps to successfully resolve difficulties in the future.
  3. Providing students with a competitive advantage: The motivation and enthusiasm for actively learning off-campus drive students to gradually strengthen their abilities in practical settings, and stand out when seeking employment.

Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs

About DRSM

About Adventure Education